
Python の導入方法の中には Python をインストールするユーザが全てを管理するものもある一方で、(Linux ディストリビューションのオペレーティングシステムが提供するパッケージマネージャや、専用のインストーラを伴うアプリケーションにおけるバンドルされた Python 環境のような) 別の手段で準備され管理されるものもあります。

そのような環境下で従来の Python のパッケージングツール類を使おうと試みることは、最もうまくいったときでも混乱を招く結果になり、最悪の場合には根底にあるオペレーティングシステム全体を完全に破壊してしまうことにもなりかねません。このような問題を解決する上では、説明文書と互換性ガイドだけが頼りになります。

この仕様では EXTERNALLY-MANAGED というマーカファイルを定義しており、これによって Python をインストールする際に pip のような Python に特有のツール群に対してインタプリタのデフォルトのインストール環境にパッケージをインストールしたり取り除いたりしないように指示し、その代わりに、エンドユーザに対して 仮想環境 <virtual-environments を使うようにガイドするべきです。

また、 Python 特有のパッケージマネージャがインタープリタ全体のコンテキストでパッケージをインストールしようとしている場合に、外部のパッケージマネージャと相互干渉を避け、また、外部のパッケージマネージャから導入されたソフトウェアを破壊する危険を避けるであろうやり方でインストールすることができるように sysconifg の翻訳を標準化しています。



配布物 <distro>

"配布物 <distribution>" の短縮系で、

配布物 <distro> は、Debian 、 Fedora や FreeBSD のようなそれ自身のオペレーティングシステム (OS) であっても構いません。あるいは、 Homebrew や MacPorts のような既存の OS の上に重ねて配布物をインストールするものであっても構いません。

Python のパッケージングの文脈では、"ディストリビューション <distribution>" という用語は別の意味、つまり、 Python 言語で書かれたソフトウェアのひとつの部品のソースコード配布パッケージまたはバイナリ配布パッケージ、即ち setuptools.dist.Distribution 乃至 "sdist" の意味での配布物という意味を持つので、この文書では短縮された用語である "ディストロ <distro>" を使います。混乱を避けるために、この文書では "ディストリビューション <distribution>" をそのままでは使わないことにします。 Python パッケージングの意味で使う時は完全形の "配布パッケージ <distribution package>" または単に "パッケージ <package>" を使います (後述します)。

ディストロを提供する者 - ソフトウェアを収集して公開し、何であれ必要とされる修正を加えるチームまたは企業 - は、その 配布者 <distributor> です。


インストールすることができ、Python 内で使うことができるソフトウエアの単位。つまり、これは Python 特有のパッケージングツールが 配布パッケージ または単に "配布物" と呼びがちなものを参照しています; 口語的な省略形である "配布物" は Python Package Index の意味で使われます。

この説明文書は "配布物 <package>" を Python モジュールを含んでいてインポート可能なものの名前という意味では使いませんが、多くの場合、 配布パッケージは同名のインポート可能な単一のパッケージから構成されています。

この説明文書では、"パッケージ <package>" という言葉で (.deb.rpm ファイルのような) ディストロのパッケージマネージャがインストールする単位を参照することはしません。必要な場合には "ディストロのパッケージ" などと言い換えて使います。 (再掲になりますが、多くの場合には、 Python パッケージがディストロのパッケージとして出荷される場合には Python パッケージの名称に python- を付け加えます。)

Python 特有のパッケージマネージャ

Python パッケージング標準 <Python packaging standard> を満足する形で Python パッケージをインストール・アップグレード・削除するためのツール。最もよく知られた Python 特有のパッケージマネージャは pip です; 他の例には、 setup.py コマンドを直接に使う方法と同様、古い Easy Install コマンド が含まれます。

(easy_install コマンドは、2021 年 1 月 23 日にリリースされた setuptools のバージョン 52 で除去されています。)

(Conda is a bit of a special case, as the conda command can install much more than just Python packages, making it more like a distro package manager in some senses. Since the conda command generally only operates on Conda-created environments, most of the concerns in this document do not apply to conda when acting as a Python-specific package manager.)

distro package manager

A tool for installing, upgrading, and/or removing a distro's packages in an installed instance of that distro, which is capable of installing Python packages as well as non-Python packages, and therefore generally has its own database of installed software unrelated to the database of installed distributions. Examples include apt, dpkg, dnf, rpm, pacman, and brew. The salient feature is that if a package was installed by a distro package manager, removing or upgrading it in a way that would satisfy a Python-specific package manager will generally leave a distro package manager in an inconsistent state.

This document also uses phrases like "external package manager" or "system's package manager" to refer to a distro package manager in certain contexts.


To shadow an installed Python package is to cause some other package to be preferred for imports without removing any files from the shadowed package. This requires multiple entries on sys.path: if package A 2.0 installs module a.py in one sys.path entry, and package A 1.0 installs module a.py in a later sys.path entry, then import a returns the module from the former, and we say that A 2.0 shadows A 1.0.


This specification is twofold.

First, it describes a way for distributors of a Python interpreter to mark that interpreter as having its packages managed by means external to Python, such that Python-specific tools like pip should not change the installed packages in the interpreter's global sys.path in any way (add, upgrade/downgrade, or remove) unless specifically overridden. It also provides a means for the distributor to indicate how to use a virtual environment as an alternative.

This is an opt-in mechanism: by default, the Python interpreter compiled from upstream sources will not be so marked, and so running pip install with a self-compiled interpreter, or with a distro that has not explicitly marked its interpreter, will work as it always has worked.

Second, it sets the rule that when installing packages to an interpreter's global context (either to an unmarked interpreter, or if overriding the marking), Python-specific package managers should modify or delete files only within the directories of the sysconfig scheme in which they would create files. This permits a distributor of a Python interpreter to set up two directories, one for its own managed packages, and one for unmanaged packages installed by the end user, and ensure that installing unmanaged packages will not delete (or overwrite) files owned by the external package manager.

Marking an interpreter as using an external package manager#

Before a Python-specific package installer (that is, a tool such as pip - not an external tool such as apt) installs a package into a certain Python context, it should make the following checks by default:

  1. Is it running outside of a virtual environment? It can determine this by whether sys.prefix == sys.base_prefix.

  2. Is there an EXTERNALLY-MANAGED file in the directory identified by sysconfig.get_path("stdlib", sysconfig.get_default_scheme())?

If both of these conditions are true, the installer should exit with an error message indicating that package installation into this Python interpreter's directory are disabled outside of a virtual environment.

The installer should have a way for the user to override these rules, such as a command-line flag --break-system-packages. This option should not be enabled by default and should carry some connotation that its use is risky.

The EXTERNALLY-MANAGED file is an INI-style metadata file intended to be parsable by the standard library configparser module. If the file can be parsed by configparser.ConfigParser(interpolation=None) using the UTF-8 encoding, and it contains a section [externally-managed], then the installer should look for an error message specified in the file and output it as part of its error. If the first element of the tuple returned by locale.getlocale(locale.LC_MESSAGES), i.e., the language code, is not None, it should look for the error message as the value of a key named Error- followed by the language code. If that key does not exist, and if the language code contains underscore or hyphen, it should look for a key named Error- followed by the portion of the language code before the underscore or hyphen. If it cannot find either of those, or if the language code is None, it should look for a key simply named Error.

If the installer cannot find an error message in the file (either because the file cannot be parsed or because no suitable error key exists), then the installer should just use a pre-defined error message of its own, which should suggest that the user create a virtual environment to install packages.

Software distributors who have a non-Python-specific package manager that manages libraries in the sys.path of their Python package should, in general, ship a EXTERNALLY-MANAGED file in their standard library directory. For instance, Debian may ship a file in /usr/lib/python3.9/EXTERNALLY-MANAGED consisting of something like

Error=To install Python packages system-wide, try apt install
 python3-xyz, where xyz is the package you are trying to

 If you wish to install a non-Debian-packaged Python package,
 create a virtual environment using python3 -m venv path/to/venv.
 Then use path/to/venv/bin/python and path/to/venv/bin/pip. Make
 sure you have python3-full installed.

 If you wish to install a non-Debian packaged Python application,
 it may be easiest to use pipx install xyz, which will manage a
 virtual environment for you. Make sure you have pipx installed.

 See /usr/share/doc/python3.9/README.venv for more information.

which provides useful and distro-relevant information to a user trying to install a package. Optionally, translations can be provided in the same file:

Error-de_DE=Wenn ist das Nunstück git und Slotermeyer?

 Ja! Beiherhund das Oder die Virtualenvironment gersput!

In certain contexts, such as single-application container images that aren't updated after creation, a distributor may choose not to ship an EXTERNALLY-MANAGED file, so that users can install whatever they like (as they can today) without having to manually override this rule.

Writing to only the target sysconfig scheme#

Usually, a Python package installer installs to directories in a scheme returned by the sysconfig standard library package. Ordinarily, this is the scheme returned by sysconfig.get_default_scheme(), but based on configuration (e.g. pip install --user), it may use a different scheme.

Whenever the installer is installing to a sysconfig scheme, this specification declares that the installer should never modify or delete files outside of that scheme. For instance, if it's upgrading a package, and the package is already installed in a directory outside that scheme (perhaps in a directory from another scheme), it should leave the existing files alone.

If the installer does end up shadowing an existing installation during an upgrade, we recommend that it produces a warning at the end of its run.

If the installer is installing to a location outside of a sysconfig scheme (e.g., pip install --target), then this subsection does not apply.

Recommendations for distros#

This section is non-normative. It provides best practices we believe distros should follow unless they have a specific reason otherwise.

Mark the installation as externally managed#

Distros should create an EXTERNALLY-MANAGED file in their stdlib directory.

Guide users towards virtual environments#

The file should contain a useful and distro-relevant error message indicating both how to install system-wide packages via the distro's package manager and how to set up a virtual environment. If your distro is often used by users in a state where the python3 command is available (and especially where pip or get-pip is available) but python3 -m venv does not work, the message should indicate clearly how to make python3 -m venv work properly.

Consider packaging pipx, a tool for installing Python-language applications, and suggesting it in the error. pipx automatically creates a virtual environment for that application alone, which is a much better default for end users who want to install some Python-language software (which isn't available in the distro) but are not themselves Python users. Packaging pipx in the distro avoids the irony of instructing users to pip install --user --break-system-packages pipx to avoid breaking system packages. Consider arranging things so your distro's package / environment for Python for end users (e.g., python3 on Fedora or python3-full on Debian) depends on pipx.

Keep the marker file in container images#

Distros that produce official images for single-application containers (e.g., Docker container images) should keep the EXTERNALLY-MANAGED file, preferably in a way that makes it not go away if a user of that image installs package updates inside their image (think RUN apt-get dist-upgrade).

Create separate distro and local directories#

Distros should place two separate paths on the system interpreter's sys.path, one for distro-installed packages and one for packages installed by the local system administrator, and configure sysconfig.get_default_scheme() to point at the latter path. This ensures that tools like pip will not modify distro-installed packages. The path for the local system administrator should come before the distro path on sys.path so that local installs take preference over distro packages.

For example, Fedora and Debian (and their derivatives) both implement this split by using /usr/local for locally-installed packages and /usr for distro-installed packages. Fedora uses /usr/local/lib/python3.x/site-packages vs. /usr/lib/python3.x/site-packages. (Debian uses /usr/local/lib/python3/dist-packages vs. /usr/lib/python3/dist-packages as an additional layer of separation from a locally-compiled Python interpreter: if you build and install upstream CPython in /usr/local/bin, it will look at /usr/local/lib/python3/site-packages, and Debian wishes to make sure that packages installed via the locally-built interpreter don't show up on sys.path for the distro interpreter.)

Note that the /usr/local vs. /usr split is analogous to how the PATH environment variable typically includes /usr/local/bin:/usr/bin and non-distro software installs to /usr/local by default. This split is recommended by the Filesystem Hierarchy Standard.

There are two ways you could do this. One is, if you are building and packaging Python libraries directly (e.g., your packaging helpers unpack a wheel or call setup.py install), arrange for those tools to use a directory that is not in a sysconfig scheme but is still on sys.path.

The other is to arrange for the default sysconfig scheme to change when running inside a package build versus when running on an installed system. The sysconfig customization hooks from bpo-43976 should make this easy (once accepted and implemented): make your packaging tool set an environment variable or some other detectable configuration, and define a get_preferred_schemes function to return a different scheme when called from inside a package build. Then you can use pip install as part of your distro packaging.

We propose adding a --scheme=... option to instruct pip to run against a specific scheme. (See Implementation Notes below for how pip currently determines schemes.) Once that's available, for local testing and possibly for actual packaging, you would be able to run something like pip install --scheme=posix_distro to explicitly install a package into your distro's location (bypassing get_preferred_schemes). One could also, if absolutely needed, use pip uninstall --scheme=posix_distro to use pip to remove packages from the system-managed directory.

To install packages with pip, you would also need to either suppress the EXTERNALLY-MANAGED marker file to allow pip to run or to override it on the command line. You may want to use the same means for suppressing the marker file in build chroots as you do in container images.

The advantage of setting these up to be automatic (suppressing the marker file in your build environment and having get_preferred_schemes automatically return your distro's scheme) is that an unadorned pip install will work inside a package build, which generally means that an unmodified upstream build script that happens to internally call pip install will do the right thing. You can, of course, just ensure that your packaging process always calls pip install --scheme=posix_distro --break-system-packages, which would work too.

The best approach here depends a lot on your distro's conventions and mechanisms for packaging.

Similarly, the sysconfig paths that are not for importable Python code - that is, include, platinclude, scripts, and data - should also have two variants, one for use by distro-packaged software and one for use for locally-installed software, and the distro should be set up such that both are usable. For instance, a typical FHS-compliant distro will use /usr/local/include for the default scheme's include and /usr/include for distro-packaged headers and place both on the compiler's search path, and it will use /usr/local/bin for the default scheme's scripts and /usr/bin for distro-packaged entry points and place both on $PATH.

Implementation Notes#

This section is non-normative and contains notes relevant to both the specification and potential implementations.

Currently (as of May 2021), pip does not directly expose a way to choose a target sysconfig scheme, but it has three ways of looking up schemes when installing:

pip install

Calls sysconfig.get_default_scheme(), which is usually (in upstream CPython and most current distros) the same as get_preferred_scheme('prefix').

pip install --prefix=/some/path

Calls sysconfig.get_preferred_scheme('prefix').

pip install --user

Calls sysconfig.get_preferred_scheme('user').

Finally, pip install --target=/some/path writes directly to /some/path without looking up any schemes.

Debian currently carries a patch to change the default install location inside a virtual environment, using a few heuristics (including checking for the VIRTUAL_ENV environment variable), largely so that the directory used in a virtual environment remains site-packages and not dist-packages. This does not particularly affect this proposal, because the implementation of that patch does not actually change the default sysconfig scheme, and notably does not change the result of sysconfig.get_path("stdlib").

Fedora currently carries a patch to change the default install location when not running inside rpmbuild, which they use to implement the two-system-wide-directories approach. This is conceptually the sort of hook envisioned by bpo-43976, except implemented as a code patch to distutils instead of as a changed sysconfig scheme.

The implementation of is_virtual_environment above, as well as the logic to load the EXTERNALLY-MANAGED file and find the error message from it, may as well get added to the standard library (sys and sysconfig, respectively), to centralize their implementations, but they don't need to be added yet.


  • June 2022: This specification was approved through PEP 668.